Equality? Pfuit.

You know, I am going to sound like those dogs for a bit… And as a Sarawakian who is a proud Malaysian.
In the past, when some people from the other side have privileges that we on the East did not have, we kept quiet. In fact, we watched and did not utter a word. We did not shout and yell for equality. But, when Maxis had that whole different rate for Sabah and Sarawak, a lot of people on the other side decide to make noise and say it is being biassed and everybody should be equal.
I ask you, did you even think of that when you had more compared to what we have? Don’t get me wrong, I have West Malaysian friends whom I love. I am just unhappy that some people shout and yell over equality when it wasn’t equal for us from this side.
I am not brainless though to want separation from Malaysia. I love Malaysia. But it does baffle me when you people don’t even think it was unfair for us when your price are lower than ours when we kept idly quiet.
But thank you, though, for being butthurt. More free data for what we paid for. I now have up to 20GB worth of data (NOT INCLUDING THE FREE UNLIMITED PROMOTIONAL 1024GB DATA). I am rich with data. YAY, more Tumblr for me then!
Maxis, I am so sorry you have to go through such shit but thank you though. Thank you for knowing that Sabah and Sarawak EXIST.
By Jade Jun Posted in random


Today, during lunch, instead of going home, I went out for lunch with my sister. So, we went to the Sarawak Golf Club, which was very near her school. There in the restaurant was a school girl and her mother and then, at the other table, me and my sister.

The moment we walked in, we were talking about everything we could talk about: work, parents, and random stuff. From the time we sat until the time we left. As for the mother and daughter, they hardly said a word to each other.

That… That is something I cannot do with my family. I MUST talk. When it was just my Mum and I in Kuala Lumpur last week, when we went to have lunch at that Thai restaurant, we were talking eventhough there was nothing much to talk about.

I CANNOT have a silent meal with my family or friends UNLESS I am unwell or listening to what those people around me have to say. Even when I am on my phone looking at Tumblr or whatever, I will still butt into conversations with those around me.

I don’t know. This entry was pretty random. I cannot get over on how quiet people can get when they are having meals together.

Like how my Mum often tell people, “Now, only the two of them, you have not seen when all three sisters are together. Or when Athena decides to join in the conversation.”

By Jade Jun Posted in random



Yesterday was the one day, I wished I was in a snarky mood to actually get at my colleague. Too bad I was too stoned and unwell to actually fight for anything. However, if I felt embarrassed, what more the victim of the situation yesterday? What more those around us yesterday? If I had been in her shoes, I would have been embarrassed, I would have wanted to commit suicide due to the embarrassment. My self-esteem would drop to zero. 

I know, you are a father and you want what is best for your daughter but there is a thing called BORDERLINE. If you want to scold your daughter for something you disapprove of, why not you take her to somewhere more private and scold her. Don’t scold her in front of strangers or in front of her colleagues. That would emotionally kill her. She would feel more left out. But I thank God, in relations to yesterday’s event, she had a lot of shoulders she could cry on. 

For your information, I have a father and daughter colleague. The father is working on the Service Centre side while the daughter is on the office management side. I love that girl, she is sweet, very respectful, hardworking and well, everything a receptionist should be. In other words, she is easy to work with.

As for yesterday, I was still quite unwell but I noticed she was talking to two people from Prudential. I ignored it because that is what we do in the office when we meet some people from outside. We have a small meeting area and this girl’s father got angry with her for meeting people there. Look, you stopped me and told me she could do it outside but with how you control the girl’s life, do you think she have the time to GO OUT and speak with the insurance people?

But what got me a bit annoyed yesterday was how he interrogated Amanda about who his daughter was speaking to, then he called for the daughter and started scolding her. When he told me about scolding her, I was stoned from my medication and whatever that went into my right ear, went back out of my left ear.

Dear Mr. V, I am a daughter, too. I, too, can feel embarrass when my parents scold me in public in front of people, in front of those I know and those people I don’t know. Don’t control the girl and deny her freedom. If you are going to lock her up in a designated cage, I dare say you are getting yourself into trouble. She may obey you now, but the time will come when she realise she should just rebel against you. The time will come when she will tell you to fuck off. What I am afraid, when she rebel on her own account, you will blame the rest of us. If that day come, I will explode. Either one of us could lose our jobs. I am willing to fight for the girl because you are emotionally abusing her.

From what I understood, last week, when I was away in Kuala Lumpur, he got angry with her for going out with two other colleagues for lunch. Look, we are all colleagues and despite our position in the office, we treat each other like family. It is not like she went out with Lami alone. I know you want her to have a future but let the girl explore a bit. She is young. I think she is younger than my younger sister. Granted, you want her to find someone with a good future but it does not mean when a person is working for a private company has no future. It does not mean when a person is working for the government has a guaranteed future. No. One cannot think like that.

I admit, I am upset that such shit has to happen because I sympathise the girl. I don’t know how to handle such crisis in the office. I am supposed to take care of those who needs to be taken care of and to be honest, yesterday, I felt helpless.

By Jade Jun Posted in random

Run Jaja, Run: 2016

Yesterday was the Kuching Run For Autism event which was held by the Kuching Autism Association at MBKS. Juliana and I, who run for charity were part of the 5 km run.



The amount of people at the event before the Zumba warmup. 


Despite the busy schedule, both Juliana and I hadn’t had the time to go training. We went once and that was about it. After that, Juliana was busy with church practise for Easter and I was busy with work.

Before the run, we were given one balloon each. Some were released into the sky, which I did not agree to because I have this fear of the balloons flying into the sky colliding into a plane or something. It was actually nice to see a group of people in a running event, running with balloons. The turnout was good as well, and there were a few children in the run, some smaller than Athena!

But I was proud of our small achievement yesterday, our best record for 5km was 1 hour 17 minutes but yesterday, we did 5 km within 1 hour 8 minutes. Two fat girls going for runs and beating their own timing. Hey, that is something to be proud of. Anyway, yesterday was a good day for me, there was no pain when we did the run (for me, that is) but I had to motivate Juliana as she was already questioning, “What did we get ourselves into?” Guess what I did? I started singing Heal The World by Michael Jackson and This One’s For The Children by New Kids on the Block. Juliana, a bit motivated started singing Whitney Houston’s Greatest Love of All. I did not care if people around us thought we were crazy for singing throughout the run.



Nike Running app tells all.


In fact, I joined the run FOR CHARITY, not for what people think. We got a medal after the run though and it was nice.

Quite honestly, although the MC sucked balls but the whole run was good. It was well organised and the money collected for the Kuching Autism Association was RM71,000!

To be honest, Juliana and I have already signed up for 3 runs and this was the 2nd run we signed up for. We did not join the first one which was the Colour Rush 4.0 because of the heavy downpour. Athena was supposed to join that run as well but we did not go.

However, our next confirmed run will be in August but Juliana said she was not sure if she could go. Even if she cannot go, I will go for that one.

In conclusion, yesterday’s run was one of the best run I have joined, not because of the organising but because of what we did to contribute in support of those with autism and the fact that people CANNOT claim just because they are fat, they cannot join such things. If Juliana and I can do it, they have no excuse.

At the end of the day, we were just two happy plus size girls who run for charity and for the fun of it.



I love Juliana’s front camera 😦 The iPhone is supposed to be better than Samsung but the camera is crap!


It is a wonder for us because we had always been active in sports since our school days but I had always been running because I normally do 100-metre dashes, relays and high jump when I was in school while Juliana did discus, javelin and shot putt. We were both on the basketball team, Juliana was an excellent shooter, to be honest. We were also both in the same house, St. Catherine (the yellow house). Actually, it was because of the basketball club, we became best friends. Now, after years after leaving school, we join runs but we lack one thing, training but heck, we do all right at the end of the day.

And what is more important? The satisfaction after a charity run.

By Jade Jun Posted in random

High Class, Low Attitude

I have not been blogging, I know. I have been busy and lazy. Anyway, the latest issue I want to blog about this month is that arrogant lady who posted on Facebook about her teacher Facebook friends updating status in English.



TRANSLATION: Sometimes, I laugh when I read statuses on FB. Especially at teachers who update in English as if they cannot update in Malay. Even among the Malays, they would speak in English. But I am proud of my friends even when they are doctors, engineers, lawyers, architects. When we sit at the coffee shop we call each other in our local dialect. Even in FB. One of these days, people would think that we are full-time housewives or ordinary people. Whereas we have 1st class jobs. Don’t mention of our English, it is A++++… But we are humble people. Not showing off. That’s a fact. I have seen many teachers showing off. It is not that I don’t know how to speak English on FB but let’s respect friends who don’t know how to speak English so they won’t feel left out… That’s all. So, you teachers, no need to be such a show off… You feel great, Teachers? With Malays, converse in Malay. To other people, go ahead… Even foreigners speak in Malay fluently… Be ashamed.

When I saw that, I was like, “You arrogant piece of swine shit.” Do you know what a swine is? No, not the animal you look down on… It is you. Except, the swine itself has more dignity than you. Come on, if you are SO humble, why must you update such a sickening “HIGH AND MIGHTY” status. The fact you claim to be doing a 1st class job is already being arrogant.

Then you look down on teachers. Let me ask you, did you intend to marry a teacher but because of your swine butt ugly behaviour, he turn you down for someone better? That could be it. There is NO WAY for me to find any positive about you. I wonder who taught you to read and write. Eh, a teacher did. Gosh. You can be the nation’s best lawyer but with your statement, I doubt it. Without the teacher, you wouldn’t be where you are now. I look up to teachers because WITHOUT them, I wouldn’t be where I am.

And, if you are going to bitch about how these teachers are speaking in English instead of Malay, you are one of those people who seem to think they are right but I think if you were to be dumped into a foreign country, you would go crazy because you will die without being able to speak any other language than Malay. You won’t survive in foreign countries. You are so cooped up underneath your coconut husk.

I was somehow affected by this as well because I speak mostly in English and I thank God I have MALAY FRIENDS, who will converse back to me in English. Heck, even the cleaner in my office IS WILLING TO LEARN ENGLISH. Even Kak Wen (Athena’s Indonesian nanny) IS WILLING TO SPEAK ENGLISH. Those people whom this person consider not a 1st class worker is willing to speak English even to another of the same race. Who the fuck are you to be so arrogant?

I wish I knew the person personally. I would have slapped her for being arrogant and for forgetting that it was a teacher who taught her to be whatever 1st class worker she is.

By Jade Jun Posted in random